One day, your character woke up to find himself/herself become the opposite sex, then his/her crush asked him/her out…
Your character was thrilled to become the heir of a rich distant relative, but what he/she inherited was way out of his/her expectations…
Everyone in your character’s school discovered that he/she is a descendant of the Nazis and the word is spreading out quickly…
Your character could only save his/her best friend from a curse by kissing the best friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend…
Your character realizes that he/she doesn’t exist in the world anymore…
Your character fell in love with the person who’s reading his/her story and tries to come out of the book...
A famous movie star appeared in your character’s house one morning and tried to kill your character…
Your character was forced to make a choice between sacrificing his/her child to save his/her students or sacrifice his/her students to save his/her child.
Your character suspected that his/her teacher is a spy who wanted to kill his/her best friend…
When your character was making waffles for breakfast, the waffles came alive and things got a bit out of hand…
Your character saved a fallen Angel but was cursed by devils…
Your character was mistaken as a school shooter and was arrested for terrorism…
Your character found out that he/she could make his/her paintings come to life…
Your character is a professional relationship and romance specialist but didn’t know what to do when he/she was desperately in love…
Your character could manipulate the minds of people during sleep…
A diary aged three hundred years ago mentions the name of your character…
Your character could detect the presence of death but was in agony because he/she could never save his/her loved ones from dying…
Your character would die if he/she spoke, but he/she is willing to take any risks to tell his/her mother that he/she loves her…
The tears of your character are rare, valuable, enchanted, and deadly…
Whenever your character tried to prove himself/herself, he/she always messed up, until his/her sibling sacrificed for your character’s mistake…
Your character sincerely believed that rules are meant to be broken until he/she was forced to kill his/her own best friend for the consequences…
Your character had always thought that his/her parents abandoned him/her until he/she found out that…
Your character was just thirteen when he/she had been forced to become the guardian of his/her twenty-seven younger siblings and cousins…
The dying wish of your character’s brother was for your character to find a good husband/wife, but although your character was charming and attractive, the right person just never showed up…
Your character, surprised, recognized one of his/her own paintings in the museum…
For your character’s 15th birthday, he/she wished for his/her life to end…
The world was terrified by what your character did on purpose…
Your character’s riches suddenly belong to his/her nemesis…
When everyone praised your character for his/her heroic act, his/her teacher became jealous…
Your character was pained because his/her boyfriend/girlfriend committed suicide, but then your character discovered that his/her loved one left mysterious clues to the dark truth…
The father of your character was a Soviet spy, and your character was forced to bury the corpse his/her own father…
When your character woke up one day, he/she realized that he/she was trapped in a coffin…
Your character found the remains of his/her ancestor in the underground catacombs…
Someone dared your character to find a treasure that doesn't exist…
Your character fell in love with an extraterrestrial…
When your character traveled to another country during vacation, he/she was kidnapped by devil worshippers…
Your character sold an orphan as a slave, but then found out that the orphan was his/her own long-lost nephew/niece...
Your character secretly loves his/her fiance(e)’s cousin…
The spouse of your character’s best friend had an affair with your character’s sibling…
Your character’s child was kidnapped by his/her favorite singer…
Your character wanted to sacrifice himself/herself to save his/her classmates, but then he/she heard someone whisper…
When flipping through a yearbook, your character realized that he/she could see flashbacks of someone else’s past…
Your character accepted the challenge of 30-hour famine, which means starving for 30 hours, but then a real famine struck his/her country…
A fatal epidemic infected everyone on Earth except for your character…
Your character’s lover was killed by a bomb—the cruelly ironic thing is that the bomb was produced by your character’s factory…
Your character was rescued after being poisoned by his/her own parent…
Your character accidentally became famous after making up a theory of why time doesn’t exist, but his/her facade wouldn’t last long…
Your character, a withered elder, didn’t expect himself/herself to be transformed into a superhero…
Your character totally did not expect his/her crush to be a world-famous prank master…
When your character was in pain, his/her dying boyfriend/girlfriend lived a little bit longer…
Your character, a spy, received an urgent order to save his/her best friend at work kill the agent who kidnapped the best friend, but then he/she found out that the kidnapper was his/her fiance(e)...
All your character had ever wanted was to live a normal life with his/her loved ones, but then he/she received immortality and wondered in despair if it’s a blessing or a curse...
~~See also: our FREE online story writing course~~